Friday, March 15, 2013

Favorite Things Friday - gDiapers

Honestly my favorite thing today is that it is indeed Friday. I woke up Tuesday morning thinking it was Friday. It made for an incredibly long week and I'm so thankful we finally made it to the end!

Yesterday I met my mom at my grandparents' house for a quick visit and to drop E off for her weekly day with Grandma. When we were ready to head home, I buckled E into her infant car seat, threw my purse and diaper bag over my shoulder, and carried her to Grandma's van. I adjusted the van seats and plopped E's seat in the base, waved bye, and drove home for a productive afternoon. When I parked my car and reached for my purse, I saw the diaper bag that I forgot to drop off with Grandma. Utter fail!

That moment was one of the many, many times I've been so thankful we cloth diaper. Although it would have been as good a time as any for Grandma to start the potty learning process with E, she didn't have to. Here's why:

Right now we're using mostly gDiapers. They're a 3 part system with a cover, a liner, and an insert. I can reuse the cover and usually the liner each time, swapping out only the insert. They come with inserts that are fleece on top to keep the baby dry and hemp on the bottom to be incredibly trim and absorbent. 

gDiapering system
An added advantage for us with this system is that our infant prefolds fit perfectly into the liners when folded in thirds. The prefolds are too small to still fit fastened around E's waist, but they're the perfect size for this diaper. Yay for a $1.50 prefold that fits birth to potty!

gDiaper with a tri-folded prefold
E was wearing a gDiaper when I dropped her off with Grandma yesterday. Grandma cut an old receiving blanket in half, pad folded it, and immediately had two diaper inserts. Super cheap, easy, and I didn't have to drive a forty minute round trip for a diaper. And we can always start on the potty next week/month/year.  Using just a receiving blanket, E stayed dry with no leaks for five hours. You can't do that with a disposable! 

Half of a receiving blanket, pad folded
gDiaper with pad folded receiving blanket insert

Good as new!

And yes, when I picked E up I left four extra prefolds at Grandma's house for next time I forget the diaper bag.

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