Tuesday, July 23, 2013


E's still itty bitty, hovering around the 10th percentile for weight and the 5th for height (I'm 5' tall, and Chou is Asian, so this really isn't anything shocking.) At 19 months of age, she fits perfectly in her 6-12 month dresses, and has plenty of room to grow in 12-18 month clothes. I love that she's getting plenty of wear out of her cute outfits rather than growing out of them immediately. About once a week I still have a stranger come up and ask how old she is, amazed that she's walking "already."  

While being a peanut has plenty of advantages, I know from personal experience that it also can pose some challenges. I always hated how amusement park rides went by height and not age. I have to climb to reach to tops of my cabinets, and I will always have to hem pants. 

The AAP currently recommends that children ride in booster seats in vehicles until they are 57" tall. For me, that would have meant using a booster seat until high school.

We've already had some challenges with E being so petite. She was born in December and had some adorable dresses, but all the tights came in size 0-9 months. They were longer than she was tall. Most standard walking shoes didn't come small enough to fit her feet when she started walking at 15 months. 

Now that she's potty trained, I've searched high and low, by store and internet, and haven't been able to find any underwear smaller than a 2T, which probably won't fit her for at least a year. She generally just goes commando at home because she prefers it and it just makes things easier. When we're out and about, we've stuck with bloomers from all of her dresses, but it's about time she actually has some panties that fit. Left with the options of buying them too big and needing to alter or making my own, I went with the cheaper route. 

I have a pile of old clothes, sweaters, and blankets just waiting to be put to good use. The softest, thinnest article in the pile was an old vintage fit American Eagle t-shirt of Chou's that had a few small holes. Using E's bloomers as a rough pattern, I was able to get four pairs of underwear for her, for free. I love that kind of project! I didn't have a lot of time, light, or patience, so they're significantly less than perfect, but I actually love how they turned out. Chou's only complaint is that they're lacking a tag to differentiate the front from the back, so I need to add a tag or marker of some sort to make them daddy friendly.

T-Shirt turned toddler underwear

So now we can add to the list of phrases I never thought would come out of my mouth, "E, come here. I need you to model some underwear for me."

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