Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sertoma Chicken Barbeque

Chou loves the Sertoma Chicken Barbeque, mainly because it's the largest chicken bbq in the world (or so they claim), usually selling around 30,000 chicken dinners. I'll never fully undertand the obsession with paying for overpriced mediocre chicken, but that's part of why I love Chou. He takes pleasure in the little things in life, and loves being a part of things bigger than himself. 

I do fully enjoy supporting local businesses, and many of them come together to make the bbq a success. The meal is full of locally made chicken, iced tea, chips, ice cream, and produce from a local distributor. Many businesses and raido stations take part in the day, and it's always a fun little outing.

This year, E collected goodies from various venders, devoured her chicken, and played in the grass until she was downright exhausted. I'll call that a success any day!


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